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EBS Fifty Horses Diafenthriuron

₹525 ₹1050
Brand : Essential Biosciences.
Data : Diafenthriuron 50% Insecticides
Availability : In Stock

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EBS Fifty Horses Diafenthriuron 50% WP : 

Diafenthiuron 50% WP is a pesticide formulation that contains diafenthiuron as the active ingredient. This formulation is used to control various insect pests and mites in agricultural and horticultural settings. Here's a description of Diafenthiuron 50% WP:

Active Ingredients:

Diafenthiuron (50%): Diafenthiuron is a non-systemic insecticide and acaricide that is effective against a range of insect pests and mites.


- Diafenthiuron 50% WP is formulated as a Wettable Powder (WP). WP formulations are designed to be mixed with water to create a suspension that can be used for spray applications. This formulation allows for effective coverage of crops, plants, or the treated area.

Key Features:

  • Broad-Spectrum Pest Control: Diafenthiuron is known for its ability to control a wide range of insect pests and mites, making it versatile for pest management.
  • Contact Poison: It primarily acts as a contact poison, affecting insects and mites that come into direct contact with treated surfaces or plants.
  • Mode of Action: Diafenthiuron disrupts the nervous system of insects and mites, leading to paralysis and eventual death.
  • Residual Activity: This pesticide can provide residual protection against pests, ensuring continued control over time.

Methods Of Application:

- Diafenthiuron 50% WP is typically used in agricultural settings to control a variety of insect pests and mites in crops such as cotton, fruits, vegetables, and other field crops.


- Diafenthiuron should be handled with care. Always follow the manufacturer's recommendations and guidelines for proper handling, application, and safety precautions when using this product. Adhere to local regulations and restrictions regarding pesticide use to ensure safe and effective pest control. Safety measures should be taken when handling and applying the product, and the recommended dosage and application method should be strictly followed to avoid overuse or misuse.

Target insect:

Diafenthiuron 50% WP is used to control a variety of insect pests and mites in agricultural and horticultural settings. The specific target insect pests can vary depending on the application and the crops being treated. Common target insect pests for Diafenthiuron 50% WP may include:

  1. Aphids: Diafenthiuron can effectively control aphids, which are common sap-feeding insects that damage a wide range of crops.
  2. Whiteflies: Whiteflies are small, flying insects that infest greenhouse crops, vegetables, and ornamental plants and can be targeted for control.
  3. Thrips: Thrips are tiny insects that feed on plant sap and can damage fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants.
  4. Leafhoppers: Leafhoppers are known to transmit plant diseases and can be controlled with Diafenthiuron.
  5. Scale Insects: Certain scale insect species that infest ornamental plants can be targeted for control.
  6. Mites: Diafenthiuron is effective against various mite species, including spider mites and other plant-damaging mites.
  7. Mealybugs: Mealybugs are soft-bodied insects that feed on plant sap and can infest a variety of crops.
  8. Various Beetle Species: Certain beetle species, including those that damage crops such as corn, potatoes, and fruits, can be controlled using Diafenthiuron.
  9. Caterpillars: Some caterpillar species that damage agricultural crops and ornamental plants can be targeted for control.

The specific choice of target pests may vary depending on the crop, pest pressures in a particular region, and the specific application needs. Proper pest identification is essential to determine the specific target pests and to use the product effectively and safely. Additionally, it's important to follow local regulations and guidelines for pesticide use to ensure safe and effective pest control.

How to use : Diafenthriuron 50% WP is recommended as a foliar spray. It should be applied at the recommended dose at the initial stage of infestation. Add the recommended quantity in a small quantity of water and mix well with stirring. Add the remaining recommended water and spray.

Dose: 2gm/ liter of water, 250gm to 300gm / acre.

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